Yeah, so she's totally insane. She stated that she "believes in equality for all people." Hey that's fine and dandy and a nice concept. However, I don't want my kids (when I have kids) to go to school and be forced to learn about "gay sex" because we should recognize they are equal.
Homosexual marriage is not a religion issue. It's a society issue. Ask any sociologist how to destroy a culture and they'll tell you to destroy their institutions. The family is the central institution to ANY society. Tamper with it, change it, make it worthless and guess what, the society becomes worthless as well.
The whole uproar about George W. Bush and his standing up for marriage and standing up for unborn babies assuredly does not infringe on your right to free exercise. If you're shaking your head, perhaps I should state that your wanting the government to condone homosexual marriage and partial birth abortion would be forcing your beliefs on me! If you think about it, and you don't even have to think all that hard, BUT we can have all the laws in the world made and it will NOT change what people do. If we were to outlaw guns, criminals will STILL find a way to get guns. If we were to have abortion become illegal, women (if they felt that deeply about it.) will still find a way to abort that child. The change comes within our own hearts, not in the law, not in the President, but within us and within our own hearts! It's about morals.
Ask yourself this, how long can a society last when morals crumble?
With that being said, she also stated that "(she) believes in God, and (she) also believes that (she) should keep it to herself and never, ever ask anyone else to believe what (she) believes;" that she "is grateful that she can make her own decisions about God, and that you can do so as well."I'm glad she believes in God. That's awesome, but she wrote that she will "Keep it to herself" That's ridiculous. That's like getting a tennis court and not having anyone to play with. You've got everything you need, but nobody to share it with. It's basically useless.
So all I need to say about that is:
The Great Commission
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
That's all. I'm done. No more ranting for now. Liberals frustrate me.